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Chemistry, Physics, Mineralogy
Observations to serve for the mineralogical map of Maryland, 1807 November 6
Concerning Godon's Observations to serve for the mineralogical map of the state of Maryland, 1809 January 20
Table of constituent parts of earthy minerals (Call number: 549 C74)
Pam.v.382, No.4 - Archean characters of the rocks of the Nucleal Ranges of the Antilles
Pam.v.382, No.3 - On a specimen of quartz from Australia and three specimens of oligoclase from North Carolina exhibiting curious optical properties
Pam.v.389, No.11 - Geology of the Pacific and other regions visited by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under C. Wilkes, U. S. N., in the years 1838-1842, by James D. Dana, geologist of the expedition
Lectures on geology. By John Finch, F.B.S. Author of several geological essays
Elementary treatise on mineralogy. Prospectus of a treatise on mineralogy; adapted to the present state of science; including important applications to the arts and manufactures
Sammlungen von mineralien, petrefakten und krystall-modellen/ Collections de minéraux, de petrifications et modèles de cristaux
Pam.v.1094, No.14 - Sur les gisements de cinq séries de gaz hydrocarbonés provenant des roches paléozoïques de l'Amérique du Nord;
Scientific lecture. Prof. Edgerton of Michigan has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of _____ that he will lecture on _____ evening _____ upon the following subjects
Syllabus of the lectures of Thomas Cooper, Esq. M.D. as professor of geology and mineralogy in the University of Pennsylvania